Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Thailand experience so far

Hello readers! I've ran into a dilemna! For those who don't know yet, I have arrived at Chiang Dao where I will be doing my volunteer work. I'm also not roughing it nearly as expected, the volunteer quarters on site are finished so I'm staying in a jungle bungalow with wifi. While this is great, I have no access to a computer for two weeks, which means I have to do blogging via smart phone, which makes things difficult. My blog posts will have to be shorter

Here are some observations of Thailand our group talked about last night
1. This really is the land of smiles
2. You always take your shoes off before going into a house
3. Pictures of the monarchy are everywhere. They love their king and are proud of the fact they've never been conquered by a European power.
4. While Bangkok is a completely different story, Thailand is very conservative. Example: they don't dress immodestly, often times they swim in their clothes.
5. Bamboo is used as scaffolding
6. Western chains are common
7. Street vendors! There are many
8. The animals are loud and the bugs huge.
9. I knew it would be, but Thai food is amazing!
10. Thai airways is so much better than delta.

Short, I know. All in all I've had a great first day in Thailand! I'll let pictures do the talking, if I can load them up.


  1. Looks amazing and BEAUTIFUL! I loved the picture of the dogs - lol. Looks like you're having a fantastic time and I'm glad you're updating your blog. Have a great day today with with the animals.

  2. STREET VENDORS!!! Best things in the world! ;) You're pictures look amazing!! Can't wait to see more!
