Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 7 volunteering

Volunteering was so exhausting today. We got an early start on working on Che Buh's pool. The clay we laid down from last time was all soggy and beaten down so we spent a while reinforcing it. Once reshaped we began mixing cement which is quite the process. We spent about 4 hours mixing cement and laying it all in place. When we were low on sand and rocks to make the cement we had to make the difficult trek of wheelbarrowing the mix ins from wildlife 1 to Che buhs cage, which is a pretty long distance.

After much blood, sweat, and tears we finally completed it. Che Buh will love it so much, I'm really bummed I won't get to see her enjoy it because tomorrow is our last day and it'll take a couple of days before its ready for water. Oh well, I'm just glad it's done.

After working today we stopped at 7-11 where I stocked up on tons of candy. There's a vendor outside that sells deep fried chicken skins that are delicious, and they go very well with sticky rice which is only 10 more baht. Another interesting food we've been having are these little fruits called longan. They are very interesting, when you peel their shells you get a translucent layer of fruit on the inside, but they're good! They are at the peak of their season so they are everywhere now.

After 7-11 we headed to another hot spring, this time a free one frequented by locals. I didn't take any pictures but it consisted of a bunch of pots that cold hold three people each, each pots have different temperatures. It smelt very sulphury too. Lucky for us there was a river next to them where we could cool off. Damien taught me how to correctly walk barefoot so I was practicing walking up and down the river barefoot. It's hard to get used to but I like the idea of walking without shoes, it feels natural.

Just had some yummy dinner and I'm now huddled in my bungalow, the mosquitos are vicious tonight. My 7-11 visit gave me a nice stock of candy to eat:). Tomorrow is the last day volunteering, it went by way too fast. it should be an interesting day!

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