Monday, August 6, 2012

Last day!

Yesterday was another temple exploration day. We woke up early and saw Angkor Wat at Sun rise. We began the rest of the day by seeing Ta Prohm (my favorite) aka the temple Tomb Raider was filmed. What made this one so amazing was all of the trees that are growing in it. Their tentacle roots over run the place, it's amazing seeing their roots span all over the temple walls.

Next was the Preah Khan, built under the reign of the same king as Ta Prohm. It was built to commemorate victory over the Chams in 1191 AD. This temple was near in its design. There are four entrances all leading to the center. One entrance is for the non religious, with door ways that get smaller and smaller, forcing the walker to bow when walking through. The other entrances were for Buddhists, Hindus, and royalty. Many Buddhist idols in the temples are now destroyed due to a Hindu resurgence.

The last temple we visited was Pre Rup. Built in the tenth century, this temple served as a crematorium and has a pyramidal shape. At this temple we watched the sunset. Watching it was beautiful yet a saddening symbolism of the sun setting on my trip.

This has probably been one of the best months of my life. I did and experienced so much, and met some incredible people on the way. I'll really miss the wonderful times I had. I could write a whole post on people and things I will miss. I couldn't be happier with my experience.

This experience has even more so than before encouraged me to do more and see more around the world. Riding home in the Tuk Tuk last night I talked to Chad about his Peace Corps experience in the Philippines. It was refreshing talking to somebody who's actually done it rather than reading something online. It's something I see myself doing when i graduate.

Sadly, today is my last day in Cambodia and Thailand. Good bye cheap and amazing food, Tuk Tuk rides, temples, and villages.

To my loved ones back home, see you very soon!

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